martial arts class Litchfield Staffordshire

Women's Self Defence

 Our primary aim is to empower and equip young women to deal with any self-defence situation they’re confronted with. Everyone should feel safe on the streets and this is a fantastic, fun way to grow your confidence and learn reality-based self-defence, to deal with any attacker. We offer regular classes around the UK, working with schools and universities to see women embrace their own power and take ownership of any self-defence situation. Private sessions are offered locally in Lichfield, Staffordshire, which are more in-depth, helping you build confidence with a deeper knowledge of women’s self-defence.

Get in touch now, by calling 07456 482 078, to arrange a session or to bring our skills and training to the girls and women of your school or university.

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Sessions are available from 10am-3pm, one-on-one, and are open to both men & women!

Enquire Today

martial arts class in Litchfield and Staffordshire £55 per hour advert of woman learning self defence one-to-one in black and white

This type of class teaches a collection of different techniques and takes into account the fact that, in a street self-defence situation, no one style fits all.

You’ll learn a variety of techniques to help you in the real world!





We go to schools, colleges and universities, teaching women’s self-defence seminars, to equip and empower women to approach life with confidence.

Available from ages 4 upwards.


martial arts class in Litchfield and Staffordshire college university students having fun and learning self defence kick training in a fun atmosphere

Package information

     £32 per student

     5 hour course

     Classes between 10 - 40 students


Seminar Breakdown

martial arts class in Litchfield and Staffordshire woman demonstrating self defence on male trainer


Theory and Strategy

In this session we cover personal awareness, situational awareness, tactics and strategies and reality-based self defence techniques that work under high pressure and in high-stress situations.


Here, we’ll cover kicking, punching, palm strikes, knees and elbows. We teach the mechanics of these strikes first, so the students can do them efficiently. We’ll then look at striking with explosive power on the pads. This not only teaches the student how to correctly transfer their body weight and burst the body forward behind the strike, but will also give them the confidence that their strikes will be effective against an attacker.

martial arts class in Litchfield and Staffordshire group of women in a fitness class learning kick techniques

martial arts class in Litchfield and Staffordshire control and restraint demonstration by two students in a woman's self defence class

Control and Restraint

Sometimes, when we subdue an attacker, we might want to restrain them while we wait for help to arrive. The restraints and controls we teach are used and tested by tactical law enforcement.  In this section, we also cover escaping any lock or hold an abusive partner or predator would use. We look at bear hugs from the front and from behind, head locks, grabbing the wrist or arm, back of the neck or hair and many more.

Ground Work

The sad reality of a girl being attacked is that the attackers aim is often to get her on the floor. We will teach the student how to fight from their back, not just by bucking and rolling, but also with strikes, as well as pain compliance. Sometimes, in the chaos of combat, the defender ends up on top. We will teach the students how to maximise this opportunity with explosive strikes, so they can escape or restrain the attacker, if necessary.

 martial arts class in Litchfield and Staffordshire smiling happy group of girls after learning self defence at a fitness class


Any questions?

Send us an email to, give us a call on 07456 482 078 or fill out our booking form to arrange a seminar at your school, college or university today!

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